The Fiery Furnaces will be returning to Madison on November 13, 2009 to play the Majestic Theatre.
The Fiery Furnaces is a musical vehicle for Eleanor and Matthew Friedberger. These siblings are originally from my own hometown - Chicago, but are now based in New York City. Joining them in this incarnation of the band is Jason Loewenstein on bass and Robert D’Amico on drums, which is the same line-up that we saw in 2007 at the Annex.
They have recently

Word has it that the current tour includes no keyboards! Instead, Matthew is playing guitar exclusively. Now, I've got mixed feelings about this because it is rare to see a band led by a pianist of the talent displayed by Matthew Freidberger. On the other hand, I'm curious to see what he does with an electric guitar! Anyway, I promise an experience that you will not soon relive.
Here's a video for a track from the new LP:
The Fiery Furnaces - Charmaine Champagne from Thrill Jockey Records on Vimeo.
I will confess that on initial listen, this song was not one of my favorites on the new album. I like it, but there are four or five others tracks that just slay me. Nonethess, Charmaine Champagne still managed to worm its way into my head and stay there! It's now in heavy rotation on my sound system.Hope you can make it out for this one!
- Mister Bill
Past Coverage:
madisonmusicreview.com - Photo Review from The Annex 10.11.2007
I love the photographs you post. Very cool.
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